Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Road Trip Wednesday(3)

"Road Trip Wednesday" is a 'Blog Carnival,' where YA Highway's contributors post a weekly writing- or reading- related question that begs to be answered.

This weeks question: What was the best book you read in September?

My answer: Easy, Tilt by Ellen Hopkins!

Three teens, three stories—all interconnected through their parents’ family relationships. As the adults pull away, caught up in their own dilemmas, the lives of the teens begin to tilt….
Mikayla, almost eighteen, is over-the-top in love with Dylan, who loves her back jealously. But what happens to that love when Mikayla gets pregnant the summer before their senior year—and decides to keep the baby?
Shane turns sixteen that same summer and falls hard in love with his first boyfriend, Alex, who happens to be HIV positive. Shane has lived for four years with his little sister’s impending death. Can he accept Alex’s love, knowing that his life, too, will be shortened?
Harley is fourteen—a good girl searching for new experiences, especially love from an older boy. She never expects to hurdle toward self-destructive extremes in order to define who she is and who she wants to be.

Love, in all its forms, has crucial consequences in this standalone novel.
I think we've all established how much I love Ellen Hopkins and her writing. Tilt was a stand alone novel but it was also sort of a companion novel to her adult book Triangles. In Triangles we get to see the adults perspectives in this story and in Tilt we get to see the perspectives of the teens/children. I love this book so much and I recommend you all read it. You can find my review for it here. (:

So what was your favorite read of September? Answer in a comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Tilt was definitely one of the best books I've read this month!


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