Monday, September 10, 2012

Nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

I'm in shock, I can't believe I was nominated for another blogger award. This is craziness, in a good way! I want to throw a big thank you at Aditi from That READioactive Book Blog! She nominated me for this award and I think it is awesome. Something I don't see a lot is how she factors in the affordability of books she reads, I usually see people just link to books on a website where people can purchase them like I do. Her reviews are awesome and she is a super nice girl. I highly suggest you go follow her, just click on the name of her blog. (:

Rules for the award:

Talk about the person who nominated you and link back to there blog. (see above)
List seven random facts about yourself.
Nominate seven other blogs you believe deserve this award.

Seven random facts about Kylee:

1. Kylee has an odd obsession with cows, if she could have one as a pet she would.
2. Kylee loves to read books that are about real life problems that she can relate too.
3. Kylee has an obsession with gel pens, especially glitter ones.
4. Kylee loves to dye her hair, she once had purple hair and misses it. Purple is her favorite color. (;
5. Kylee is afraid to get her permit and start driving, she thinks it's a huge responsibility. 
6. Kylee loves teriyaki noodle bowls and could eat them for the rest of her life. (Click to view the yummy food.)
7. Kylee tries to be a wizard with computer codes and gimp but usually fails.

Now for Kylee's nominees:

Bookworm In Love  - This blog is gorgeous, she actually just changed it up and I love the new look.

Pink Polka Dot Blog -  Kylee loves Michelle's blog, it's super cute and she adores her reviews/posts. (:

These Flying Pages -  Kylee has always loved this blog, she's a huge fan. The look of it is so simple and clean! She loves the reviews too.

Ramblings of a Book Junkie  - Even though Kylee is Team Cam and you're Team Daniel she still loves your blog to pieces. 

Literary Love Affair -  Maida is such a sweet girl and her blog is absolutely gorgeous!

Books Worth Cheering For -  Kylee loves the theme of this blog. (Woot for this blog?) :P

Confessions of a Bookaholic -  You're Team Damon so that's automatic points, you're a bookaholic and so is Kylee so that gets you automatic points, and you're interested in a lot of books Kylee is so it's nice to have a reference to those books.

Okay enough third person, I want to thank Aditi again and congratulations to all of those I nominated. It would be awesome if you could leave the links to your posts so I can comment/view them too! 

Happy reading!


  1. Congrats on the award Kylee! And I love the third person thing, it's awesome!

    -Grace :)

    1. Hahaha, I was so bored so I did something random. Thank you! (:

  2. Congrats, Kylee!!! And I can totally relate to trying with the computer codes, but they're so confusing and I can know what to do unless it's laid out really well. XD You would want a cow?! Cool!

    1. Right! It's just so confusing unless someone shows you how to do it step by step and you have to do it a few times before you actually get it! I absolutely love cows. <3 Thanks so much.

  3. Thank you so much!! :D Congrats on the awards, oh and loved fact number 4 and 1 xD


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